Watch Intelligence Season 1 Episode 12 Online
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Season 1, 12 Intelligence S1 E12 Intelligence Season 1 Episode 12 Online
Episode Name : The Event Horizon
Air Date : 24 Mar. 2014
A drama centered on a high-tech intelligence operative who is enhanced
with a super-computer microchip in his brain, and the director of the
elite government cyber-security agency who supports him.
far as the premise of this show its already been done before, only
better, funnier, and with smarter writing in Chuck, which basically has
everything but the renders and wifi plus ninja skills and also
continuum, which has all the same tech plus some cool bulletproof
invisibility cloaks, time travel and and emp guns. Basically, don't
watch this show, watch chuck or continuum.
But hey, maybe i'm jumping the gun a bit posting this after the first few episodes. The show is still young. I'll give it a chance to prove me wrong.
But hey, maybe i'm jumping the gun a bit posting this after the first few episodes. The show is still young. I'll give it a chance to prove me wrong.